Today, I find myself recently in Bad Wörishofen, Germany – a spa town known for the hydrotherapy developed by Sebastian Kneipp, a Catholic priest who lived there for 42 years. After a tour of the village, I embraced some of these long used treatments herself at the monastery original Kneipp hotel KurOase im Kloster. This hotel takes one immediately, to a place or rest and relaxation. Awaken there with fresh air and the sounds of the monastery bells. Check out this Instagram Video to hear the bells yourself.
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Finding a spa retreat in a village that embraces health with a ton of free wellness activities within walking distance from anywhere in town, is not surprising due to the Kneipp history there found in their museum. What makes this such a unique trip is the ability to experience soothing silence, meditation, GuGong classes and Kniepp treatments all within the walls of the monastery grounds and gardens. The hotel is directly in the Dominican convent, the birthplace of the Kneipp cure.
Sebastian Kneipp’s doctrine was to treat the entire body. It combines the five pillars of water, plants, exercise, nutrition and balance into a holistic approach to healthy living. The Kneipp philosophy is more up-to-date today than ever before. It is based on fundamental principles that are becoming more relevant almost daily for all. Living in harmony with nature, sustainability and mindfulness is more on our minds than ever these days.
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Plan your own visit to Germany and you may find yourself barefoot and enjoying an outdoor spa treatment just like Ava Roxanne Stritt @SpaTravelGal is here at this link.
Watch out for my USA Today article Pedal Pairings, which includes my experience cycling in Munch and ending up in an authentic Beer Garden!
Related: Germany’s Summer