160px-It1927clarabowAre you an IT girl? You know the girl that just has IT. Wiki defines the IT girl as “It girl” as a woman who possesses the quality “It”, absolute attraction.

Well sometimes I do not feel like the IT girl and I need a little help (well sometimes a lot). So who have I been turning to lately? IT Cosmetics by Jamie Kern. Their cosmetics are deems innovative and that is just what the modern IT girl needs – a little innovation whether is is Spanx or IT Cosmetics. Even Happi Magazine that is the number one magazine concerning the skincare industry calls IT innovative in a recent newsletter.

Would you like to be an IT girl or at least feel like one? You may not even have to leave your house to make it happen. Your transformation can start with a quick check of what is featured on QVC. Check out IT Cosmetics for the next time you can find them on QVC. Which is so exciting to me. My favorite show currently is Shark Tank and of course my fav shark is Lori Greiner. Who I respect so much and love seeing her calmly make her deals as the guys just have to pick up the little pieces she leaves behind.

Back to you YOU the new modern IT Girl. IT Girls wave hello with their lashes and you will too when you try Hello Lashes 5 in 1 Mascara from IT Cosmetics. You get so much volume from this mascara and it’s wand design that you can literally start waving with your lashes.

Now about who is behind your new look – IT Cosmetics.  IT stands for Innovative Technology. They are all about high performance, skin loving, problem solving solutions. Jamie Kern, the founder suffered from her own rosacea, sparse brows, hyper-pigmentation and problem skin concerns. She worked hand in hand with surgeons to create innovation  high performance products to aid others in their skin care.

Ready to be the new IT Girl?

A231604 IT Cosmetics Hello Beautiful AntiAging Color Collection - March ...

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