Imagine it’s a little before dawn. You’ve just had the most relaxing sleep of your life while on a girl’s retreat, swaddled in crisp, clean cotton sheets in a dark luxury hotel suite that smells of coconut and vanilla. Putting one foot, and then the other into your work-out gear, you glance through the sheer linen curtains as the sun begins to sparkle over the Pacific Ocean. It’s time for your sunrise yoga class on the beach. As the sun begins to dance on your skin and warm the Costa Rican sand beneath your feet, your mind, body and breath become one as your entire being is centered with every inhale of the sweet sea salt air and with each rise and fall of your chest…

With the help of Spa Week and world-renowned yoga expert and our very own Joyology Expert, Dashama, this snapshot could become a 7-night reality… a $2,900 reality at that.

During the month of June, you can enter to win the Turn Up The Heat Yoga Retreat, including a 7-Night Yoga Retreat for Two at the breathtaking Anamaya Mind, Body & Spirit Resort in Montezuma, Costa Rica. The retreat will include everything you and a guest need to experience the ultimate mind body adventure: organic meals daily, yoga classes and luxurious spa treatments, all while enjoying Anamaya’s exotic amenities and tranquil accommodations.

Once you’ve returned home, you’ll have the opportunity to continue your healing journey courtesy of a prize package furnished by Dashama, which includes a 30 minute coaching Skype session with Dashama herself, her 30 Day Yoga Challenge Program, copies of Dashama’s books: Journey to Joyful and Daily Health Journal, eBooks, DVDs and much more. The winner will also receive $175 in Spa & Wellness Gift Cards by Spa Week® to relax body and mind at your choice of over 5,000 spas and wellness locations nationwide.

So girls let’s enter and enjoy this virtual girl’s retreat by enjoying these lovely photos of the resort!