Make this your “Make or Break” Year! Will 2012 be a year you will never forget, or just merge into the rest of your history? While all of us are at different points in our life, we can all keep these ten things in mind to make this your “Make or Break” Year! Here’s to a wonderful new and shiny 2012 for you and your family!
1. Follow: Follow those who are like-minded and you will always have your community with you!
2. Go Big: Dreaming big is not just for teenagers or others! You can dream big too! Try learning something new and perhaps consider getting an online degree. Just remember when you accomplish something a little off of the big idea you have to be sure and still celebrate the occasion!
3. Slow Down: We do sometimes have to run around (excuse the southern phrase) like a chicken with their head cut off. One also has to remember to take time for themselves and just do nothing at all some days. It is so refreshing and resets us to continue on our path. Of course, this can always be accomplished in a spa! Pledge to refresh, renew and replenish yourself this year.
4. Stretch Out: Have you ever heard the phrase getting out of your comfort zone? Think of stretching out of your comfort zone. This is not as big as stepping way out there, but only trying something a little different. Say you are a blogger or writer who always talks about skin care, travel or spas (sound familiar?), then someone asks you to discuss yoga, moms or tennis. Give it a try!
Love can turn up in the strangest places and I am not talking about the kind we think about that goes along with roses, boxes of candy or a diamond ring. Love can be an unexpected smile or the feeling you get when you realize sitting at work one day how much you miss your new puppy. Love is found in many forms and locations.
Remember those Predictions I made for 2012?
Coming in 2012
- A Surge in Spa Suites & Hotel Bathrooms that Feel like a Spa Suite
- This will be the Year of the Personal Beauty Device
Did you win the Big Spa Week Gift Card Contest?
Happy New Year, Ava! It’s definitely a make or break year on my end. I’m looking forward to the exciting things to come and wish you all the best!
Looking forward to it!