Spa Travel Gal (formerly My Skin Concierge) Ava is your own personal concierge for expert advice on travel, skincare, & spa experiences. You will receive insider knowledge
about beauty and relaxation.
about beauty and relaxation.
Travel and spa experiences are not a luxury, but essential for both a healthy body and mind.
Also learn how to have these same experiences at home!
Today I come bearing free gifts for a spa experience at home!
Last night I was inspired by both The Broke Socialite @BrokeSocialite and the @TheGreatDanaJ last night to share more of these economical essential experiences for both the body and mind! So today I will let you in on an easy way to enjoy the Spa Life at Home!
Soapbox Moment Please…
It seems like everyone not only Clark Howard is talking about how to save money these days. This includes many of my friends in circles that have never even mentioned expenses, money, cost or budget nuances. Well this tough economy has us all thinking of ways to save money.
That is one of the reasons I started this blog. We won’t talk about how much I used to spend on these items!
Everyone now wants to save, cut costs or reduce expenses even if just to maintain their lifestyle. But no one wants to remain stagnant in their life really do they?
So, if you are a spa type gal or not you should still try something new today. If you have never visited a spa just see if you like the experience after trying this at home.
Even with kids this can be accomplished with a good Disney video and a good bathroom Lock. Don’t forget your candles!
This recipe is really easy!
2 cups of coarsely ground coffee
1/2 cup raw sugar or sea salt
2-3 Tablespoons olive oil
Mix all ingredients together. Take a hot shower to moisten your skin and open your pores. Using wide, circular motions, rub the coffee exfoliate onto your skin with strong, even pressure. Shower off, pat skin dry, and apply a thin layer of your favorite scented body lotion.
Now if you want to get a little more fancy here you go!
Things You’ll Need:
- 1/4 cup of Olive Oil
- 1 tsp Vanilla Extract
- 1 cup Turbinado Sugar
- 1-10 drops an essential oil
- 1/2 cup used coffee grounds from a freshly brewed pot