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I just love this write up of a review that I completed recently. It even gathered me some of my own press!  Check it out!

Spa Travel Gal is an extremely prestigious blog that is run by Ava Roxanne Stritt. Ava is a freelance writer by profession and a spa lover by heart. This deadly combination makes her the final authority when it comes to reviewing luxury travel and offering advice on a number of topics that range from fashion and technology to moms and parenting. Ava recently reviewed our Vine Vera Stores and also showered praise on the Vine Vera Shiraz Instalift Collection. We normally prefer not to gloat when we read what users have to say about our skin care products, but we cannot manage to suppress our smiles when someone like Ava offers opinions on our stores and our products. Here is what Ava has to say about Vine Vera Stores and the Vine Vera Shiraz Instalift Collection. 

Thanks for the love Vine Vera!