If it’s the green that worries you! OSEA products even come in Pink! They are celebrating PINK month too!
YOU can find the products that I use for my own GLOW here OSEA!
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On days that I am feeling like my skin needs a little glow as I peruse the aisles at Publix, I can just reach over and grab a seaweed salad from the sushi area. When I wake up in the morning, it is like I just had a facial. Don’t get me wrong here; I would not substitute a trip to Publix for a trip to the spa! When I do visit a spa, I usually opt for whatever involves seaweed. The more seaweed the better. I guess you would call it my secret weapon that I don’t have to share with many. When I mention this information to most, they can’t stomach the idea. I guess they would not choose the items off a sushi menu or spa menu as I.
Recently I indulged in a seaweed wrap called a Cellutox Ocean Wrap at a medical spa in my area. It was a mixture of essential oils and seaweed to assist in detoxifying the body. First the body is quickly dry brushed to aid in circulation and enhance absorption of the product. This stimulating wrap also contained cleansing lemon balm and cypress oil. It is applied to your body and then you are cocooned in a comforting warm wrap. As you relax in this luscious warm cocoon, your upper body gets a wonderful massage including your scalp. I almost drifted off during the scalp massage. Gradually I regained consciousness and realized I had a soft smile on my face. Wow, something can actually make this Nervous Nellie relax!
This treatment is designed to assist to restore skin firmness, accelerate slimming, stimulate circulation, detoxify, and relieve stress. The wrap breaks the bonds that seal toxins in our cells and helps our body eliminate them. It is a good idea to check with your doctor before having this iodine rich process if you suffer from thyroid conditions or are allergic to shellfish.
Now if you don’t want to be green for an hour, you are in luck. This was brown seaweed. Now many of you have had mud wraps and this is very similar, but the outcome is amazing. As I am typing this now, I wonder why I don’t have one booked for this week. I am calling first thing in the morning.
I have also had seaweed facials at a Ritz Carlton Spa. This holistic spa product by Naturopathica of 100% pure plant-based products free of irritating ingredients and preservatives is fortified with vital botanical extracts that leaves the skin feeling healthy and nourished. They also have a product called similar you can take home. You will see mine in the photos that accompany this blog post. Also a local winery resort spa, seaweed products were used during my recent facial. This facial by a very young technician was one of the most individualized ones yet. Also she was very gentle in her touch. I did not realize how important their touch can be, until I had a facial that took me back in time. I felt like a preteen that had been caught by her mother wearing way too much makeup and was getting a quick face wash before she was allowed to go out!
This blog post idea came to me this morning as I again awoke with thirsty skin. I applied the Naturopathica Seaweed Mask as I prepared for my shower. I gathered up my new seaweed soap and pulled back the shower curtain. What before my two little eyes did appear, but more seaweed products already there. Take a look at your own products. Seaweed is sometimes labeled as Algae Extract. If you are a lover of the natural products, it will be hard to find one without some of the green stuff there!