by Ava Roxanne Stritt | Feb 11, 2012 | Refresh
Recently I saw this photo of the tiny little turtle attempting to eat that big lush juicy sweet strawberry and I thought the only thing going through his little mind right then was what a moment of BLISS it will be! What is a moment of bliss? Some may like to think it...
by Ava Roxanne Stritt | Feb 5, 2012 | Refresh, Spa
Would you like your own bathroom to feel like this Spa Suite? This is IT! Your “Make It or Break It” Year and you alone can make it happen. It is never too late to start the new year right or too late to make a fresh start to life and I am going to tell you how....
by Ava Roxanne Stritt | Jan 28, 2012 | Refresh
Did you get steps 1 – 5? If not go here first! 6. Talk: As humans most of us love to share. Share things with others, you never know when they may have gone through the same experiences or be able to connect you to someone who can help out. Also if you...
by Ava Roxanne Stritt | Jan 26, 2012 | Refresh
Make this your “Make or Break” Year! Will 2012 be a year you will never forget, or just merge into the rest of your history? While all of us are at different points in our life, we can all keep these ten things in mind to make this your “Make or...
by Ava Roxanne Stritt | Dec 14, 2011 | Skincare Products
Sometimes just like new innovative products, we don’t really know that we cannot live without something until we have it. If you are not a teen, possibly you remember a time when we all did not have something up next to our ear all the time in the car or...