How to Beat Jetlag with These 3 Tips

How to Beat Jetlag with These 3 Tips

We all love to travel and visit new places. It is quite a thrill in itself. We often overlook Jetlag is a condition that causes sleepiness, fatigue, and other symptoms such as headache and poor concentration. It usually occurs due to time zone changes. Jet lag is a...
This is the Time for Impact Health Sharing

This is the Time for Impact Health Sharing

Thank you for sponsoring this post. Today more than ever is a time to start thinking about not only your health, but also that of your family and loved ones. I ran across and I am delighted with what I found. This year more than ever, I make sure I get all my...
Life-flo is Empowering Women

Life-flo is Empowering Women

Hi Everyone! Thanks to Life-flo I have a new outlook on life and you can too. Who wants to feel empowered? I know I do each and every day. I have found a company that feels the same way and they too are empowering and supporting women through times of change and...