Every traveler or vacationer knows the importance of a pair of good sunglasses and as a traveler, you may have come across polarized sunglasses. But what is the difference between polarized and non-polarized sunglasses?
Polarized lenses are specifically designed to filter out light and reduce glare from reflective light or bright surfaces. In contrast, non-polarized lenses offer protection from UVA and UVB rays but they do not have the additional filter built in to block out horizontal light or reduce glare. So they both preserve your eye health and offer protection from harmful UV rays which is the most important thing. So which glasses are for you? Should you invest in a pair of non-polarized lenses?
Polarized lenses
The main purpose of polarized lenses is to protect your eyes from harsh light from a reflective surface such as snow, water, or asphalt. This type of reflective light strains your bare eyes because it is smooth and sent in one singular direction, with nothing breaking it up – polarized lenses are made specifically for this kind of light. When the lens is created, a film is molded into it that blocks horizontal light rays and only lets vertical rays in. This helps to improve color, clarity, purity, and contrast which means it not only protects your eyes but also improves your vision.
Why get polarized lenses?
As we have mentioned, polarized lenses do a great job of protecting the wearer’s eyes but a good pair of standard sunglasses also protect your eyes just fine. So why get polarized lenses? You should take your lifestyle into account and consider how important it is for you to have that extra layer of protection.
Polarized lenses may be for you if you spend a lot of time outdoors, drive long distances during the daytime, or spend time in or near water – all of these scenarios expose your eyes to bright light and glare. If you like to travel or take frequent trips then you probably find yourself in a lot of situations where you would benefit from a pair of polarized sunglasses.
Whilst the added qualities of polarized lenses will stretch your wallet a bit more, it can be a very worthwhile investment as it can help ensure your safety and quality of vision when taking part in the aforementioned activities.
Are there any negatives to polarized lenses?
Despite the obvious benefits, there are a few drawbacks depending on what you are planning to wear them for so these should also be considered before making your decision.
Polarized lenses can cause difficulty in viewing LCD screens, they can provide too much filtering for certain wearers, and they may make it more difficult to distinguish between different white colors – this is especially important if you are skiing as you may struggle to see the difference between snow and ice on a mountain!
So, consider whether these scenarios apply to you and decide if it is worth it to get yourself a pair of polarized lenses. Alternatively, you can buy polarized sunglasses but keep your non-polarized sunglasses to switch them out for when each pair is most appropriate.