There are at least a million Americans who suffer from Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) that hampers their day-to-day functioning, says a blog post by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS).
Little is known about the biological basis of ME/CFS. It is, therefore, important to effectively manage this condition through a holistic approach to health and wellness, say specialists at Holistic Houston Doctors, who offer gentle and low force chiropractic treatment in Houston.
Low Force Chiropractic Treatment
One of the most effective and absolutely safe practice of dealing with chronic fatigue that people in Houston can opt for is a low force adjustment technique through activator methods. It is ideal for people with a relatively lower threshold to pain and can also be safely used by pregnant women, babies, senior citizens and athletes. This is also a great solution for someone suffering from migraines or a disc injury.
How Does it Work?
The first and foremost thing that you need to do is get in touch with a trained and qualified chiropractor, someone who has years of experience in this field. Such a specialist can help you with an accurate analysis of your spinal movement and provide the necessary adjustments required to correct any instance of misaligned spinal vertebra and joints. Such a correction is typically provided using a spring loaded handheld device.
Posture is Key
An effective alternative health management technique such as chiropractic treatment advocates maintaining a proper body posture at all times to ensure you are able to prevent such a condition in the first place and sustain it effectively once you have contracted it.
The Importance of Exercise and Sleep
Chronic fatigue in Houston has become very common. Studies show that this is resulting from work-weeks of more than 50 hours, most of which is sedentary and stressful. Therefore, a holistic approach is needed to reducing joint pain and stiffness. Customized exercise programs depending on the level of severity of the condition can be designed for patients that includes modified yoga postures and the use of a foam roller and lacrosse ball. Some of the additional steps that may be suggested for you include:
- Improving the quality of your diet
- Controlling the quantity of your food intake
- Performing some stretching exercises on a daily basis
- Avoiding a totally sedentary lifestyle
- Avoiding caffeine and energy drinks
- Going to bed only when you are sleepy
- Avoiding watching television while lying down
- Effectively monitoring your sleeping patterns with the aim of getting adequate sleep in a day
- Reducing exposure to blue light at night
Duration of the Treatment
The duration of the treatment would depend on many different factors, such as age of the patient, the severity of their case, existing food habits and stress levels.
When used skillfully and in appropriate levels, alternative health management technique can help deliver an effective cure for chronic fatigue in Houston. It is for this reason that it is very important to consult a good chiropractor who can design a solution for your precise needs.