Many guys really just want a good shave, like you want a good haircut or spa treatment. Getting the best electric shaver that works well on their skin can be a total struggle. I am a lover of a guy with a clean shave, no stubble or beard for me. If you are like me, then you may be looking for a shaver for your man. The market is full of different models claiming to offer the best features that can give you the desired look. Don’t be agonized while shopping or worry about your past disappointments on the unpromising electric shavers you purchased. Whether you are looking for the perfect shaving quality, something complex or simple, while gifts for mom are much easier to locate, this guide has got you covered. Following are top 3 amazing electric shavers worth checking out.
- Braun Series 7-790cc Pulsonic electric shaver
Braun Pulsonic is ideal for all types of skins. The shaver comes with a three phase setting offering you the privilege to customize the machine according to your skin surface type. It is a perfect choice for a clear, smooth hair shave. Its contour adaptive shaving system ensures that no hairs are left behind both on the jaw line as well as beneath the chin. The powerful motor guarantees to deliver results. Don’t worry if your facial hairs have the tendency of lying flat against your skin. Braun Pulsonic has an active-lift feature that can get hold of stubborn hair facial pattern by raising them up.
Say goodbye to manual shaver cleaning. Pulsonic comes packed with a combination cleaner, portable charge and a lubricator. Gone are the days when you struggle to clean shavers by digging in the corners with a pocket brush. With Braun Pulsonic you just insert your shaving machine back in the charger unit and combination cleaner, press the button and let it clean itself. With a speedy shaving experience, faster charging time of a charging option of five minutes and a clean shave makes this electric shaver a worthy investment.
You will fall in love with Philips Norelco’s dynamic shaving head. Most heads of rotary shaving machines move in limited directions but for Philips Norelco, its functionality is mind-blowing. The shaving head
- Philips Norelco S9311/84SP Shaving machine 9300
moves in 8 different directions offering you a perfect shave targeting even difficult areas that cannot be reached by other shavers. The more advance technology of Norelco S9311/84SP is mind boggling.
Norelco shaver works on the unruly beard and offers you a perfectly smooth skin. It is impossible to resist this sleek and beautiful shaver. The smart clean system frees you from the burden of cleaning the device. The clean system comes with an alcohol-like cleaning solution that helps to keep the blades looking as good as new. Its high vibration capacity helps to get rid of the shaving foam and the clogged hairs in the blades.
- Wet & Dry Panasonic ES-LV95-S Arc5
The unbelievable gorgeous Panasonic ES-LV95-S shaver works well on sensitive skin. Panasonic Arc5 not only cares for your skin type but it also gives you a smooth shave. Whether you have a thick and coarse beard or a thin and light chin curtain, Panasonic ES-LV95-S shaver will work wonders. Its closeness is nothing compared to even a razor. You can actually shave without scratch your handsome face. This is the latest technology of Panasonic that comes with a shaving sensor. The shaver adjusts its cutting settings according to the type of beard. If your beard is the thin type, it will automatically adjust to a gentler mode.
His face is the first impression that tells the world he is, so choosing a shaver for him as a gift should not be taken lightly. Thanks to this guide, you can easily find the latest best electric shaver that can meet everyone’s shaving needs.