There are many spas out there where you can enjoy a day’s relaxation, they can be found within gyms or bought as a one off treat. However if you simply wish to have a DIY spa there are lots of ideas and products out there that can satisfy your urge. Spa products are most always of a high grade, since they have to pass the rigors of those who work in the establishment to get into a spa boutique.
Boots are well known on the highstreet for their range of products and you can buy body wash, salt scrub and body butter. Spa ranges cost from under a pound and obviously increases – ila have a range of products that it uses at their physical spas. I discovered ila at ILTM Spa in London. What a great swag bag they had there. Quickly I realized why those at the event thought so highly of it. So you feel better on the outside but what about the inside – surely this is more important?
Very popular at the moment is the NutriBullet which is basically an incredibly ferocious blender – its appeal is that is has no mercy when shredding both vegetables and fruit so none of the goodness is chucked in the bin. I loved using it when I was on Shakology. A number of variations on the original design are on the market but the desirability and versatility if the product has really caught the imagination. Anything can be chucked in including largely hideous Kale and items you have never heard of before like ‘Swiss chard’ and ‘Goji berries’ – no, me neither!
If at home after a spa you might be perfectly relaxed and have some me time available, obviously you could catch up on TV or even a film. You could play some great games with Springbok Casino in order to relax and try and win some funds for a full spa experience. Any spare cash could go towards a one off spa day, is quite good for discounted spa days, you can also book massages or treatments if you prefer for a bit more pampering. Looking after yourself doesn’t have to break the bank you just need an eye for a bargain.
If you decide to break the bank there are of course spa style baths that you can have installed at home, obviously the cost and instillation is a big decision but the technology now is quite incredible. You can go from a bath from around £450 to the rather elaborate bath and shower spa package which is just under £1,100. As highlighted before the cost of installation will be a massive factor but if budget allows you can almost fully recreate the spa experience at home. This way you don’t have to experience the awkward moment of your towel slipping or not being able to 100% relax with other members of the public.
The key is whether you are at home or at a spa you learn to relax and disengage with life which can be filled with noise, stress and interruptions.