
Lately I have had daydreams of being an expat in possibly Germany or the UK.  My thoughts are that the day has probably passed where that is going to be a long-term reality.  BUT you know how I always say take those dreams and put a reality spin on them. So, if not an expat this life – how about a bit of slow travel & of course Ava is going to stick in some smart luxury.  What does this equation equal – a London apartment!

bathroom-apartmentA pal of mine showed me her amazing apartment while in London and I am now hooked. I may actually do it and get an apartment next time.  I will start by looking at what is available online. Someone recommended some good apartments by Housetrip in London. It just said “me” right down to the colors and the tub! First I need to do some shopping.

For those lady of London weekends in the countryside, I headed over to House of Bruar for some fashion items.  This is a sure way not to appear too American while trying to blend in for a day in Downton Abby land. They have tons of perfect pieces for both you and your man at House of Bruar, so you will be covered for whatever the countryside brings you.

Last fall when I met a pal of mine in London near her new London office, she showed me where her short term rental apartment was located. All she kept speaking about were all the perks. The main one was  a local phone to use.  That is HUGE – unless you use Holiday Phone like I do for all my international travels.  I always get a new sims card for my iPhone and also a portable wi-fi to store in my satchel.

So for my birthday I thought about planning a trip to London to stay out in a neighborhood that would make me feel like a local – of course until I open my mouth.  Yes the thought of my very “own” apartment is enticing and exciting even for this luxury hotel gal.

So Putney is my economical area to look into finding a place and the St. Pancras neighborhood is my upper end locale for next year’s ILTM. I have such found memories of this area where I can to hang with Gavin McGraw at the St. Pancras Chambers Club along with The Script and Train.

A pal of mine showed me her amazing apartment while in London and I am now hooked. I may actually do it and get an apartment next time.  I will start by looking at what is available online. Someone recommended some good apartments by Housetrip in London.