landingpage715x849Recently as a member of the Hot Mom Spa Squad, Spa Week and Beautify ask me to try a new skincare brand called Beautify Skin Care. First, I already had an enormous respect for the company as Beautify Skin Care is an Exclusive Sponsor of Spa Week. They just like Spa Week care about our total health and wellness not just for a day but forever.

When I received the Beautify Moisturizer Cream, I had just been told I had some dry spots while I was getting a facial at the Royal Caribbean Allure of the Sea Vitality Spa. So, I was extremely excited to get not only a new product to try, but also one that had been recommended for my needs. The first thing I noticed was the lovely packaging, but then I found it was much more than just a pretty face. My skin within the first 12 hours felt much more hydrated. So, I definitely felt more like a true member of the Hot Mom Spa Squad after using Beautify!  This hydration felt natural and not oily. I did find out that if I used the amount that I normally use on my face it would get a little too moist.  After toweling off the excess, I discovered that just a little will do you. That is great since then it will last much longer. That makes it extremely economical!

Beautify Skin Care is professional grade just like you would find in a luxury spa or a medical spa. That means it has more of the active items than what you normally find on a shelf in the drug store. Then turns over into quicker and better results for your skin. This goes for all of their products, not just the moisturizer cream.

I also found out that it had a little tint in it to give you a little of a golden glow, so be careful what you touch with it.  If you stick to just a dab there sdhould be no problem.

What am I looking forward now? Trying Beautify’s DermaBright Cleanser! It looks amazing and it has my #1 fav ingredient in it – Glycolic along with some very natural ones as well! Bring it on along with Beautify’s DermaSmooth Serum which includes my #2 fav ingredient hyaluronic acid which is part of what actually makes up our skin. This product is said to work as a natural botox. Boy, that sounds REMARKable for a Member of the Hot Mom Spa Squad or Anyone! 

Go here to to find a contest where you could win Beautify delivered to your door monthly for an entire year!