1STA11RWSTDF_1_ThumbIn the late 1800’s large steamer trunks were widely popular. This type was a must for those wealthy enough to spend their holidays traveling to Saratoga Springs, New York to a spa or racetrack. Each was adored with fancy trims decorating the leather or metal case. Their large round tops screamed first class and was the best method of insuring your trunk was packed on the top of the baggage cars. This enabled them to avoid dreaded damage. This also coined them the names of Humpbacks or Camelbacks. Even flat tops trunks designed for steam ship travel were not to be outdone by their fancy counterparts. These steamers were wardrobe trunks containing hangers and drawers. Each was designed by size and interior to carry a certain type of personal item such as toiletries or shoes. Others were more specifically designed for the individual use of a musician, a salesmen or a circus performer.

Gone are the days of traveling reminiscent of when Eloise of The Plaza journeyed to Paris on an airplane with 37 pieces of luggage including trunks of various shapes and sizes. We can only imagine what it must have been like to have a single piece to only house our hats or fedoras. Times have moved forward and one cannot “take the kitchen sink” as they say! So what is a guy or gal to do?

I have found a place that can take us back to those days. Take a look at this dressing table catalogue that has items that are so amazing. I thought this type of style and standards were lost in the days of Downton Abbey! If I had a dressing room with a Rosewood Make-up trunk like this I would truly feel like Lady Grantham! What else should we have in the perfect dressing room? Of course a velvet chaise lounge along with a foot stool. The lady of this century also needs some great electric lights along with plenty of electrical plugs for all those hair dryers and straighteners.

So let’s stop dreaming about what our lives should look like and start designing them as we see them in our dreams.

Just like Arial and her dinglehopper hair brush, possibly ours should be just as treasured!dingle2