Moms are a business, so they should also have their own Executive Meeting Room to hold all those important meetings with – well themselves. I have decided that all moms either stay at home or working mothers need to have their own office in their home. I do not mean a small corner with the TV, kids, cat, dog and dirty dishes still at the corner of their eye, but a real office. Let’s start a revolution to make sure that all home builders decide that this is required in all home they built. BUT in the meantime we may just need to find our own meeting room, whether it is a basement room, empty closet or our car! We could also just go to a hotel for a night each month to get our finances, life, mind and mood straightened out. Many hotels now are set up just like that a meeting room or at least a pretty good office for all those business travelers. I bet you could find one anywhere from Idaho to South Carolina! So if you possibly live in or near Spartanburg, SC look up Summit Point for your next “meeting” even if it is with yourself. If any of you out there plan meetings as part of your job you might want to check them out too. Hint: They are near the Westgate Mall for all those last minute needs for shopping or dining. I think I am ready for my own Executive Conference and Meeting Room!